Power Of Desire. Think Of The Woman, Which You Want To Have

Ancient popular wisdom goes:

When you sow the idea - then you will reap the deed, when you sow the deed - then you will reap the habit, when you sow the habit - then you will reap the nature, when you sow the nature - then you will reap the Fate.

So it is say everything starts from our head. From this container of thoughts. Remember, as in the sacred books written: "First was the word, and the word has been…" And then the old long story goes on. Maybe it was in all different way. Maybe Creator sat and thought: "What then became bored. What if to make something alse? Let Me establish Earth and the life on it. "And He said: "Let there be light". And the full-program creation started.

But few people aware that we have the same processes occur. Our thoughts as actively implemented as a Divine Beginning. DO NOT believe it? You do look around! Do you see over there: that very "skunk" is standing, yes, your husband! Remember how handsome he was, assistant, master? And now? Hands not from the place grow! But stop and ask yourself: who had created this armless and the gloomy subject of any negligence? Do you want a honest answer? You!

"No, this could not be!"- objections from any of you. And I will give you an argument. Remember when you made court each other. What did you say, how did you act, how did you look in the end? And now? Is this different state? Of course, you will tell. Of course, differ! After all, it's been a long time! And now a different matter! And what, in fact, was changed? After all, a man who is at your side, he is the same. Just you may be not knowing the fact, set in motion an ancient mechanism.

What you think today that you have tomorrow.

Some ones went further and called the assistance of a law that instantly realize into reality all your thoughts. Especially if you accompany them even more with words and gestures. The Law is simple. But ignorance of the law does not exempt from liability! Attention, the Law!

What you pay attention to, it develops!

So Divine Creation is directly relevant to us. The same thing is happening and we have: before we do anything, we have raised some kind of thought in the head. And after we commit to do. But now the question arises. Whence they were, these thoughts appearing in the head? Why in one head light, bright ideas do appear, and in another the solid dump? It turns out, there is the explanation of this. There is a hypothesis that the idea does not arise in the head, it comes to us. Well, the scenario with you. You noticed, and even scored for sound: "Oh! The idea came. Oh! Again went away. "So what?", you will tell. "Why do I need to know that?" This is actually quite important. When you begin the process of working with your goals, be sure to write them. When you concentrate your attention on your objectives, tasks, the various useful thoughts start to come. And if you do not commit, they can quickly leave you. Thoughts, ideas, thoughts! It is through thoughts that our life takes on a particular line. Think of the partner, which you want to have and you will get it!


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