All is written on the face!

Panel staff of several British universities conducted a study, which was attended by 700 people from 20 to 30 years old. It turned out that men and women often have different priorities.
Men prefer women who, as they believe, are ready for short connection, and the women, by contrast, are looking for partners for a long time. According to the women, the men with large lower jaw and small eyes are less suited to the role of a long-term partner.
Scientists have found that people often choose their partner based on their perceptions of how appropriate for this people at the moment should look.

Heterosexual group of participants was showed a pair of images of men and women over 20 years old. They had to indicate which face on the picture as they think is better suited to a man who is not looking for deep love and is ready to change partners for sex frequently.
They were also asked which of the two people at the pictures, in their view, is more inclined to short connection, which - to a long affection, who looks more courage or more femininity, and who, in their view, is more attractive. Then, the answers to these subjects were compared with genuine characteristics of people captured in pictures.
A comparison shows that many subjects can quite pinpoint by photos to the human's propensity to the relationship of a particular type. Thus the view that "all is written on his face" is confirmed.


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