Indeed, how to get acquainted with Russian girl? What to do, how to behave to attract her attention? Let's try to find answers.
Based on my experience and stories of my friends, I can identify two categories of places of acquaintance: high-tech space (here, you can include the Internet, sms, etc.) and of course the real space (street, subway, work, school, university, college, cafe, etc.).
The premier plus of reality is a personal contact, where it is well visible the emotive speech, and the reaction of partner, and his feelings for you... The disadvantage - a limited choice if you're not in Russia.
The main advantage of cyberspace is the same as every the abstractiveness of exterior of a partner and the familiarity especially with his internal content (we consider the situation where none of the partners is not hiding under a mask). And a great choice! Because there are several millions of Russian girls a day in the Internet now.
So the basic rule, in both spaces is the presence of a wild desire to make the acquaintance! That desire will help you in any case, because even failing once you will not leave to try again and again! Persistence is one of the fundamental qualities of a successful man!
The first phase is preparation. This phase is completely dictated by your creative kind. You should make it much, but the result will not take long to appear! The human psyche is arranged so that our attention is drawn to all unusual, bright, unlike the rest... This is one of the laws of inadvertent attention, that is the attention, which operates outside the control of our consciousness, in any case, even if we do not want to. Therefore, that very law I advise you to adopt.
You must be unusual in your photo and correspondence! But what will be the unusual in you - it's up to you. Either clothing or hairstyle, it may be piercing (mainly do not overdo, to not be similar to the pads for needles), and it may be unusual chip... Perhaps you will be with a book in the hands, or eye-catching fashion magazine, or you might just deliver quite unexpectedly some interesting and unusual words... This can be anything and if to begin to describe all this, I'm afraid there will not be enough either force or time... So try to be creative and I am sure you will find for yourself exactly what must be!
The age is of no small importance in acquaintances. It is even said that age sometimes stands in second place after the appearance and charm. If you already are about 30, the age does not cause difficulties in acquaintances with the women, but if you are 20 or even younger... The majority of Russian women and girls have a well-established stereotype of to the "relationship with young people who are for many years younger than they are." This stereotype has been smooth over or disappears with age, but it is particularly pronounced among persons aged 14 - 20 y.o. This is well explained by two factors:
In this age interval, the speed of physical and mental development of young men and women is different, and the latter is slightly lower than the first. As a result, the girls feel, even their peers are younger and sillier, not to mention the boy who is under. For the Russian girls in this age period is very important the point of view of girlfriends and mothers, who often do not approve the relationship with a young man who is a few years younger than girl. But, as mentioned earlier, with the age the stereotype grows weaker or disappears, because the gap between the development of girls and boys is gradually declining and then has been smooth over at all.
If you want to get acquainted with Russian girl, whose age is not more than 20, then try to "find" a person that is your peer or younger than you. If the object of your admiration is already over 30, the lady will likely be honored with the attention of young person who is under her. But do not forget that all rules have exceptions.
By: Julia Pika
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