Which Foodstuff Helps For Achieving Orgasm?

It is strange, but what we eat affects our sexuality, hormonal state of our bodies, energy level and the level of resistance to stress. There are special types of products to achieve orgasm.


It is a real source of chemical elements such as boron, which facilitates the process of metabolism, as well as spending the estrogen hormone by organism. Some studies also show that boron increases the level of testosterone in the blood, which in it's turn is responsible for sexual desire and orgasm, both of men and women.

Vegetable oils.

Various vegetables, seeds and nuts are the source of vegetable fats which contain fatty vegetable acids, from which our body produces the cholesterol - the foundation of all sex hormones. Lack of cholesterol in the body harms of sexual activity and leads to loss of sexual interest and desire. When buying vegetable and nut oils, pay attention to the label.

Oils of cold pressing contain more nutrients than thermally processed, as well as vitamin E, needed to maintain hormone balance.

Oatmeal flakes.

With their help, you can increase the content of testosterone hormone in the blood. In order to increase your libido, you need to eat a dish of porridge and to drink 3 cups of oatmeal broth several times a week. The potion is preparing in the following way. A vessel of 1 litre capacity to fill a third with stems of oat, pour boiling water, close the lid tightly, to brew this at least 4 hours, then to strain liquid and place it in refrigerator. You may drink the broth both cold and warm.


They are believed a classical aphrodisiac. In fact, all seafood is rich in minerals, the integral parts of sexual hormones. In addition, minerals from seafood are better assimilated by our organism, as they are contained in them in the form of salts.


Among seafood algae are allocated with a high content of iodine, which promotes the function of thyroid which is responsible for women's libido. True to feel a beneficial effect, you have to regularly use the algae for food during the month.


It contains methylxanthine, which stimulate the transfer of nerve impulses, as well as create a sense of satisfaction and improve the mood.


They contain an enormous amount of vitamins from Group B, especially B6 and B5, which help to balance hormonal level and to maintain energy. The other source of vitamin B6 is a spinach, beer yeast, carrot, pears, sunflower seeds, fish, potatoes, milk, fresh vegetables.

Red meat, dark poultry, brown rice, bread with cereals, green vegetables.

These products are good sources of zinc, which in it's turn helps to reduce the content of hormone prolactin in the body. Currently excess of prolactin leads to sexual dysfunction.

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By: Julia Pika
Article Directory: http://www.articledashboard.com
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